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Subject: Donkies vir Jesus
Replies: 29 Views: 4523

oubaas 21.10.11 - 12:44am
DONKIES VIR JESUS / DONKEYS FOR JESUS - Jesus het gekies om deur Samaria te reis toe die ander jode almal te hoogmoedig was om dit te doen. Jesus het gekies om 'n gewillige donkievul te gebruik toe Hy in Jerusalem ingery het. Jesus vra vandag nie meer groot besluitnemers of indrukwekkende toesprake nie. Hy vra net, gewillige donkies, wat in gehoorsaamheid aan Hom, Sy werk sal doen. Is jy bereid? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jesus chose to travel through Samaria , while the other jews was too proud to do so. Jesus chose to ride on a willing, obedient donkey when entering Jerusalem. Jesus doesn't ask big desisitionmakers or impressive speaches. He only asks, willing donkeys, who is willing to do His work in in obedience. Are you willing? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Besoek gerus die volgende webwerwe om te deel in ervarings van mede-donkies... http://www.lida.sukijaki.co.za http://oppie-koffie.co.uk/ http://oubaas.wapgroups.com http://www.haleluja.co.za en http://oubaas.sukijaki.co.za *

oubaas 21.10.11 - 03:23am
Facebook group is nou begin. Facebook group created. http://m.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_304095766282805&view=info&refid=0 web: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_304095766282805&view=info&refid=0 *

oubaas 24.10.11 - 11:24am
Moruti Stof, Oubaas and Lida had a meeting on Sa ay 22/10/2011 and the structure and nature of the project was discussed. When Lida and Gawie walked the 8km back to Betlehem, they spotted a bankrepossed property that got a lot of potential. Lida will try and gather information on this property. I WANT TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT DONKEYS FOR JESUS ARE NOT PART OF THE BETLEHEM MISSION. NOR ARE WE COMPETITION TO IT OR ANY OTHER SUPPORT GROUP. *

oubaas 24.10.11 - 06:35pm
Koalet Properties doesn't seem very eager to help. Does anybody know a good agent in Pretoria? *

gawie 27.10.11 - 12:26pm
The property we spotted is bank repossed and the reserve price is R600 000. A bit high for the condition it is in. It will be going on auction again on 22/11/2011. *

oubaas 29.10.11 - 09:52pm
Sjoe! I didn't realise there are so many racists calling themself CHRISTIAN??? *

oubaas 30.10.11 - 08:57am

We are in the process of iniating negotiations on a suitable property we spotted recently, but we are not going to allow that to keep us back. We have 2 professional people assisting us in our hunt for a property.

We currently have needs for fresh and dry food stuff as well as food parcels for families and parcels for mission residents (inclusive of toiletries, soap, candles, etc), new and 2nd hand clothing, underwear and shoes for a kick-off.

Equipment and aids such as the following are required: Freezers, fridges, commercial type high pressuie cookers, gas burners and gas , kitchen utilities and kitchen ware, packing material, kitchen and office furniture, +- 30 chairs for the ministry. Financial support for needs such as transport and fuel expences, airtime, electronic communication (computer with internet, etc.), muni l services, garden services, building maintenance, etc. *

oubaas 30.10.11 - 08:59am
Ons spook nog om 'n geskikte perseel te bekom, maar ons gaan nie toelaat dat dit ons rem nie. Ons kyk reeds na een wat ideaal is en onderhandelinge sal in die komende week begin. Dan is daar ook twee proffesionele mense wat ons bystaan in ons soeke na 'n perseel.

Ons behoeftes tans sluit in: droee en vars produkte asook na 'kospakkies' vir huisgesinne en pakette vir mission bewoners (wat addisionele items soos bv. seep, toiletware en kerse insluit) asook nuwe en 2de handse klere, onderklere en skoene. Afsetpunte en hulp met verwerking behoort nie 'n probleem te wees nie, maar addisionele hulp kan die las op andere help verlig.

Ons gaan egter hulpmiddels en toerusting ook nodig kry. Ons kyk op hierdie stadium na gas branders, gas, vries- en koelkaste, drukkokers, kombuis gereedskap (messeware, ens), kombuistoerusting, verpakkingsmateriaal, +- 30 stoele vir die bediening, asook kombuis- en kantoor meubels. Finansieele bystand t.o.v munisipale dienste, vervoer en brandstof, selfoonlugtyd, elektroniese kommunikasie middels (rekenaars met internet, ens), tuindienste en geboue onderhoud.

Enige ander voorstelle sal welkom wees.

By voorbaat baie dankie.


Gawie. *

gawie 3.11.11 - 05:47am
Ons kontak besonderhede en bekendstelling van ons Hoof van Sekuriteit. / Our contact details and introduction of Head of Security. http://www.donkies.haleluja.co.za/kontak.htm *

gawie 11.11.11 - 09:31am
Wil u ons ondersteun? Want to support us?

http://www.donkies.haleluja.co.za/help.htm *

oubaas 12.11.11 - 07:01am
We had a very fruitfull meeting on Thursday 10/11/2011 and received our first donations which Moruti Stof distributed to very needy people. Praise the Lord. *

oubaas 12.11.11 - 07:04am
I received a promise for 12 loaves of bread for today which will be donated to Betlehem Mission as we have no bread at all for the weekend. Thank you Jesus for answering our prayers. *

oubaas 12.11.11 - 07:17am
The wheels are starting to roll slowly but surely. Thank you JESUS!

For the latest news and updates please visit this topic regularly.

Get involved. Invite a few friends. / Raak betrokke. Nooi 'n paar vriende. *

oubaas 13.11.11 - 07:31am
Just want to thank Hande van Hoop for the bread delivery. God Bless. *

oubaas 13.11.11 - 07:32am
Twee van Donkies vir Jesus se admins het 'n behoefte aan selfoon data bundels, sms bundels asook lugtyd om hul in staat te kan stel om hul bediening suksesvol en met ywer te kan bedryf. Ekself het ook 'n behoefte aan 'n laaigerief vir my selfoon se battery aangesien ek nie toegang tot elektriese krag het nie, en die solarstelsel wat ek gebruik is nie voldoende nie. Enige bystand van watter aard ookal sal op prys gestel word. Baie dankie. Jesusgroete. *

oubaas 16.11.11 - 01:53am
Donkies vir Jesus het 'n dringende behoefte vir Bybels in al 11 amptelike tale. Kan u dalk help?

Donkeys for Jesus got an urgent need for Bibles in all 11 official languages and any other international Bibles. Can you perhaps help? *

gawie 22.11.11 - 07:48pm
The Donkeys for Jesus committee had a meeting tonight and we made big plans for 2012 and we asked for the LORD'S blessings on it. Can everybody agree please?

Apart from that, Stof also asked me to make a list of all my needs and wishes and we prayed about it. As a manifistation we burnt the list and ask that everybody ask the LORD to bless those requests made known to Him. Amen. *

gawie 15.12.11 - 01:18pm
And the charging problem has almost been solved completely. Thank you Faithful Father. In fact me, Lida and Stof received blessings on the very same day! What a great God we serve. *

gawie 15.12.11 - 01:22pm
The Donkeys for Jesus committee had a planning meeting on Tuesday evening. A lot of issues were discussed. Whatch the group for more info as from early January. *

gawie 16.12.11 - 05:07am
Ons het reeds 'n paar gesinne wat ons kan ondersteun.

We already have a couple of families that we can support. *

oubaas 22.12.11 - 10:48am

oubaas 23.12.11 - 04:37pm
Namens die span van Donkies vir Jesus wil ek hiermee die eienaar, admins, lede en besoekers aan hierdie blad 'n baie geseende Christusfees toewens en mag 2012 net alles van die beste vir u inhou.

On behalf of the Donkeys for Jesus team, I would like to wish the owner, admins, members and visitors of this page a very Merry Christmass and best wishes for 2012.

Vir 'n versameling met interessante skakels besoek gerus / For a collection of interesting links, please visit http://oubaas.sukijaki.co.za *

gawie 22.01.12 - 12:33pm
Remember to visit and join our Facebook page. Lots of activities there. Also read a few interesting testimonies.

http://m.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_304095766282805&view=info&refid=0 web: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_304095766282805&view=info&refid=0 *

gawie 23.01.12 - 09:01am
Ons slaan ons oe op na die berge. Waar sal ons hulp vandaan kom? Ons hulp kom van die Here wat die hemel en die aarde geskape het (Psalm121) omdat ons weet dat as ons by die Allerhoogste skuiling vind sal ons die beskerming van die Almagtige geniet en se ons aan die Here: U is ons toevlug en ons veilige vesting: ons God op wie ons vertrou (Psalm91) en dit is so omdat ons weet dat Hy ons Herder is en dat niks ons sal ontbreek nie (Psalm23). Hy skep vir ons 'n rein hart en vernuwe ons gees en maak ons standvastig (Psalm 51:12). Hy se: Die redding wat Ek bring, kom baie gou, die verlossing wat ek bring, is op pad, want Ekself regeer oor die nasies (Jesaja 51:5). Ons is baie bly oor die Here, en juig oor ons God, want Hy het ons gered, en vir ons oorwinnaarsklere aangetrek (Jesaja 61:12) juis omdat Hy Sy enig gebore Seun gestuur het om vir ons sondes te sterwe (Johannes 3:16) en ons moet ons gereed hou want Hy kom en Hy kom gou en die genade van die Here Jesus sal met ons almal wees (Openbaring 22: 20 en 21) tot in alle ewigheid. Amen. Ook gepos by: Donkies vir Jesus / Donkeys for Jesus MOBILE: http://m.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_304095766282805&view=info&refid=0 web: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_304095766282805&view=info&refid=0 *

oubaas 23.01.12 - 04:13pm
Wow! So many great testimonies received. Too many to mention. Please visit the group. God Bless. *

oubaas 29.01.12 - 05:09pm
Lida's Testimony. After lots of prayers for Lida God opened many doors for her!

First of all, like I posted recently, she wese blessed with a place to stay where she will be able to study more comfortabily for her studies,etc.

Then last year we posted and prayed about a new job for her. She went for an interview late Nov last year but the post was put on hold. Thursday last week, same company phoned her and invited her for a job in another department. She were notified yesterday that she got the job! More than double her current salary plus medical aid, pension and incentives! To put the cherry on the cake, one of her new neighbors work near her new job and offered her a lift to work FREE OF CHARGE! Wow!

You will recall that we prayed more or less at same time for her nephew Leander who were in a bike accident and lost his left small finger. Leander went for an assessment during the passed week and had the plaster removed. The result: The operation was a huge success and he has full usage of all other fingers and his hand!

All this started to happen shortly after she were forgiving people for things they done against her. This just points out the importance of forgiving each other!

Thank you Jesus for above positive reports!

Bad news is that Lida wont be able to facebook at all for an unknown period and asked me to send her love and best wishes to everybody.

GOOD LUCK LIDA. YOU DESERVE IT. We will surely miss you at the mission but it was time for you to move on. *

oubaas 5.02.12 - 08:23am

Yep, I have been warned of randomly adding 'several' people I dont know to my friends list. I was totally confused because I know for sure that it is not my style!!!! Yes there might be the occational one or two, but nobody complained up to now. Ek is nou meer deurmekaar as Mariaan se verkleurmannetjie op die Smartie boks.

When I started going through my notifications this morning, I found that 25 people accepted my friendship offering. It is impossible for me to go through all of the profiles, but those I checked I found as jolly good people with more or less the same interests as what I have. Thank you to whoever did me that 'favour'.

I usually only invite people suggested to me, or people that facebook THEMSELF recommends to me. If I invite people then usually I will send them a note with the facility facebook gives us, but I am afraid that facility does not always work. Hoe nou gemaak facebook?

In elk geval baie welkom aan al my nuwe vriende. Hoop ons sal nog 'n baie lang pad saam loop. As julle nie omgee nie, voeg ek julle by ons groep Donkies vir Jesus want dit is waar ek meestal my ding doen. Gaan gerus deur die muur en gee ons julle getuienisse en deel u vreugdes asook lief en lee d en enige Goeie Nuus met ons. Ons het al paar mooi getuienisse hier gekry. Ons werk baie nou saam met uitreik groepe soos Friends in Need asook Hande van Hoop.

Mag almal geseend wees!

Groete. Gawie Janse van Rensburg. *

gawie 1.03.12 - 01:19pm
Het jy die moed om te gee?

http://.com/go/sites/mview/afrikaans.100/12178196 *

oubaas 27.04.12 - 07:51am
And I received another warning. Again I didn't do anything wrong! cry2.GIF *

oubaas 27.04.12 - 08:19am
NEEDS of Donkeys for Jesus.

I have been asked to make a list of all the needs for the project. On these links you will find all the basics:






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